Title - Everything Black Everything Dead
Label - Grindhead Records 2014
Status - Available on CD through Grindhead Records and digital download via Bandcamp
LP Status - TBA
Track Listing
1. For those about to die
2. Everything Black Everything Dead
3. Reek of Crucifiction
4. Legacy of Hate
5. Detonation
6. Righteous Indignation
7. Scorch the Sky
8. We're all Zombies Now
9. Shackled to a Corpse
10. Thanks for the Enemies
11. Born in a Tomb
12. A Crimson Vow
Title - Fucked......Live
Label - Self Released 2012
Status - Available for free download via Bandcamp
Track listing
1. Cycles of Fear
2. Black Jesus Saves
3. The Devouring
4. Dead in their Tracks
5. Doctrine of Denial
6. Everything Black Everything Dead
7. Age of Avarice
8. We're all Zombies Now
9. Atrocity Generator
CD Label - The Coffin's Slave 2012
LP Label - Hells Headbangers 2013
LP Label - Hells Headbangers 2013
CD Status - 1000 copies sold out
LP Status - 300 copies.....sold outAvailable for free digital download via Bandcamp
Track Listing
1. Cycles of Fear
2. Black Jesus Saves
3. The Devouring
4. Dead in their Tracks
5. Doctrine of Denial
6. River Bleeds Black
7. Age of Avarice
8. Atrocity Generator
1. Cycles of Fear
2. Black Jesus Saves
3. The Devouring
4. Dead in their Tracks
5. Doctrine of Denial
6. River Bleeds Black
7. Age of Avarice
8. Atrocity Generator
Title - Demo
Label - 400 Self Released 2010
Status - Out of print
Track Listing
1. Cycles of Fear
2. Black Jesus Saves
3. The Devouring
4. Dead in their Tracks
5. Doctrine of Denial
6. River Bleeds Black
7. Age of Avarice
8. Atrocity Generator